C++ Mathematical Expression Library

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The C++ Mathematical Expression Toolkit Library (ExprTk) is a versatile, simple to use, easy to integrate and extremely efficient runtime mathematical expression parser and evaluation engine. ExprTk supports numerous forms of functional, logical and vector processing semantics and is very easily extendible.


The ExprTk library has the following capabilities:

  • Mathematical operators (+, -, *, /, %, ^)

  • Equalities & Inequalities (=, ==, <>, !=, <, <=, >, >=)

  • Assignment (:=, +=, -=, *=, /=, %=)

  • Logical operators (and, nand, nor, not, or, xor, xnor, mand, mor)

  • Functions (abs, avg, ceil, clamp, erf, erfc, exp, expm1, floor, frac, hypot, iclamp, inrange, log, log10, log1p, log2, logn, max, min, mod, mul, ncdf, pow, root, round, roundn, sgn, sqrt, sum, swap, trunc, equal, not_equal)

  • Trigonometry (acos, acosh, asin, asinh, atan, atan2, atanh, cos, cosh, cot, csc, sec, sin, sinc, sinh, tan, tanh, deg2rad, rad2deg, deg2grad, grad2deg)

  • Control structures (if-then-else, ternary conditional, switch case, return-statement)

  • Loop structures (while loop, for loop, repeat until loop, break, continue)

  • Optimization of expressions (constant folding, strength reduction, operator coupling, special functions and dead code elimination)

  • String operations (equalities, inequalities, logical operators, concatenation and sub-ranges)

  • Expression local variables, vectors and strings

  • User defined variables, vectors, strings, constants and function support

  • Multivariate function composition

  • Multiple sequence point and sub expression support

  • Runtime checks (vector bounds, string bounds, loop iterations/execution-time bounds, assert statements)

  • Compile-time checks (function parameter type checking, compilation and evaluation stackoverflow checks, compilation running time)

  • Numerical integration and differentiation

  • Vector Processing: BLAS-L1 (axpy, axpby, axpb), all/any-true/false, assign, count, reverse, rotate-left/right, shift-left/right, sort, nth_element, iota, sum, kahan-sum, dot-product, copy, diff, thresholding

  • File-IO package (routines include: open, close, read, write, getline, support for binary and text modes)

  • Support for various numeric types (float, double, long double, MPFR/GMP)

  • Single header implementation, no building required. No external dependencies.

  • Completely portable (Compiled and executed upon: x86 x86-64, ARM: 6/7/8/9, Apple: M1/M2/M3/M4, POWER: 6/7/8/9/10, RISC-V: RV64GC/EMSA5/C906/P8700 and AVR32)


C++ Mathematical Expression Library License

MIT License

Free use of the C++ Mathematical Expression Library is permitted under the guidelines and in accordance with the MIT License.


The C++ Mathematical Expression Library implementation is compatible with the following C++ compilers:

  • GNU Compiler Collection (3.5+)
  • Clang/LLVM (1.1+)
  • Microsoft Visual Studio C++ Compiler (7.1+)
  • Intel® C++ Compiler (8.x+)
  • AMD Optimizing C++ Compiler (1.2+)
  • Nvidia C++ Compiler (19.x+)
  • PGI C++ (10.x+)
  • IBM XL C/C++ (9.x+)
  • Circle C++ (circa: b81c37d2bb227c)
  • C++ Builder (XE4+)


The C++ Mathematical Expression Library Download Source Code - Copyright Arash Partow C++ Mathematical Expression Library Source Code and Examples

The C++ Mathematical Expression Library Download MSVC Solutions - Copyright Arash Partow ExprTk MSVC Solutions (2010, 2013, 2015, 2017, 2019, 2022)

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The C++ Mathematical Expression Library Download MPFR Adaptor - Copyright Arash Partow ExprTk MPFR Adaptor || ExprTk Real Adaptor || ExprTk Complex Number Adaptor

The C++ Mathematical Expression Library Documentation - Copyright Arash Partow Documentation / Readme

ExprTk REPL (Read–Evaluate–Print Loop) Binaries:
    Double Type: Linux -  Windows 64-bit Windows 32-bit
    MPFR Type: Linux  -  Windows

Example Expressions

The C++ Mathematical Expression Library Example - ExprTk - Copyright Arash Partow

  • sqrt(1 - (x^2))
  • clamp(-1, sin(2 * pi * x) + cos(y / 2 * pi), +1)
  • sin(2 * x)
  • if (((x + 2) == 3) and ((y + 5) <= 9), 1 + w, 2 / z)
  • inrange(-2, m, +2) == (({-2 <= m} and [m <= +2]) ? 1 : 0)
  • ({1 / 1} * [1 / 2] + (1 / 3)) - {1 / 4} ^ [1 / 5] + (1 / 6) -({1 / 7} + [1 / 8] * (1 / 9))
  • a * exp(2 * t) + c
  • z := x + sin(2 * pi / y)
  • 2x + 3y + 4z + 5w == 2 * x + 3 * y + 4 * z + 5 * w
  • 3(x + y) / 2 + 1 == 3 * (x + y) / 2 + 1
  • (x + y)3 + 1 / 4 == (x + y) * 3 + 1 / 4
  • (x + y)z + 1 / 2 == (x + y) * z + 1 / 2
  • (sin(x / pi)cos(2y) + 1)==(sin(x / pi) * cos(2 * y) + 1)
  • while(x <= 100) { x += 1; }
  • x <= 'abc123' and (y in ('AStr' + 'ing')) or ('1x2y3z' != z)
  • ('REX' + x like '*123*') or ('a123b' ilike y)

Basic Design

When compiling and subsequently evaluating an expression with ExprTk, the following three fundamental components will be encountered:

Component Purpose / Details
exprtk::symbol_table<NumericType> Holder of external variables, vectors, strings, constants and user defined functions
exprtk::parser<NumericType> Expression factory
exprtk::expression<NumericType> Holder of the AST which is used to evaluate the compiled expression

Note: NumericType can be any floating point type. This includes but is not limited to: float, double, long double, MPFR or any custom type conforming to an interface compatible with the standard floating point type.

The following diagram depicts each of the above denoted components and how they relate to one another when compiling and evaluating the expression: z := x - (3 * y)

ExprTk Design Diagram - Copyright Arash Partow

The following example illustrates the events shown in the diagram above. Given an expression string 'z := x - (3 * y)' and three variables (x, y and z), a exprtk::symbol_table is instantiated and the variables are added to it. Then an exprtk::expression is instantiated and the symbol table is registered with the expression instance. Finally an exprtk::parser is instantiated where both the expression object and the string form of the expression are passed to the compile method of the parser.

If the compilation process is successful the expression instance will now be holding an AST that can be used to evaluate the original expression. Otherwise a compilation error will be raised and diagnostics relating to the error(s) made available via the parser's error reporting interface. The expression in the example will perform a calculation using the variables x and y then proceed to assign the result of the calculation to the variable z.

typedef double T; // numeric type (float, double, mpfr etc...)

typedef exprtk::symbol_table<T> symbol_table_t;
typedef exprtk::expression<T>   expression_t;
typedef exprtk::parser<T>       parser_t;

const std::string expression_string = "z := x - (3 * y)";

T x = T(123.456);
T y = T(98.98);
T z = T(0.0);

symbol_table_t symbol_table;

expression_t expression;

parser_t parser;

if (!parser.compile(expression_string,expression))
   printf("Compilation error...\n");

T result = expression.value();

The expression is evaluated by traversing the generated AST in a postorder manner. The order of sub-expression evaluations will be as follows:

  1. Result0 <- (3 * y)
  2. z <- (x - Result0)

For a more detailed discussion on the internals of ExprTk and its capabilities it is recommended to have a review of the accompanying: readme.txt

Simple ExprTk Examples

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TGS Management Company - TGS https://www.tgsmc.com

Simple Example 1 - Simple Expression Using A Single Variable With Multiple Revaluations

The following is an example where a given single variable function is evaluated within the domain: [-5, +5].

The C++ Mathematical Expression Library Function - ExprTk - Copyright Arash Partow

The graph below shows the clamped (red) and non-clamped (blue) versions of the specified function.
The example further demonstrates the common use-case of ExprTk: which is to compile an expression only once, and to then evaluate the compiled expression many times over, and where between each evaluation the expression's dependent variables (eg: x variable) are updated as needed. [source: simple_example_01.cpp]

template <typename T>
void trig_function()
   typedef exprtk::symbol_table<T> symbol_table_t;
   typedef exprtk::expression<T>   expression_t;
   typedef exprtk::parser<T>       parser_t;

   const std::string expression_string =
      "clamp(-1.0, sin(2 * pi * x) + cos(x / 2 * pi), +1.0)";

   T x;

   symbol_table_t symbol_table;

   expression_t expression;

   parser_t parser;

   for (x = T(-5); x <= T(+5); x += T(0.001))
      const T y = expression.value();
      printf("%19.15f\t%19.15f\n", x, y);

The C++ Mathematical Expression Library Graph - ExprTk - Copyright Arash Partow

Simple Example 2 - Square-Wave Form Approximation Using Fourier Series

The following example generates a square wave form based on Fourier series accumulations - 14 harmonics. Sigma-approximation is not applied hence Gibbs phenomenon based ringing is observed on the edges of the square, as is demonstrated in the graph below. [source: simple_example_02.cpp]

template <typename T>
void square_wave()
   typedef exprtk::symbol_table<T> symbol_table_t;
   typedef exprtk::expression<T>   expression_t;
   typedef exprtk::parser<T>       parser_t;

   const std::string expression_string =
      "a *(4 / pi) * "
      "((1 /1) * sin( 2 * pi * f * t) + (1 /3) * sin( 6 * pi * f * t)+"
      " (1 /5) * sin(10 * pi * f * t) + (1 /7) * sin(14 * pi * f * t)+"
      " (1 /9) * sin(18 * pi * f * t) + (1/11) * sin(22 * pi * f * t)+"
      " (1/13) * sin(26 * pi * f * t) + (1/15) * sin(30 * pi * f * t)+"
      " (1/17) * sin(34 * pi * f * t) + (1/19) * sin(38 * pi * f * t)+"
      " (1/21) * sin(42 * pi * f * t) + (1/23) * sin(46 * pi * f * t)+"
      " (1/25) * sin(50 * pi * f * t) + (1/27) * sin(54 * pi * f * t))";

   static const T pi = T(3.141592653589793238462643383279502);

   const T f = pi / T(10);
   const T a = T(10);
         T t = T(0);

   symbol_table_t symbol_table;

   expression_t expression;

   parser_t parser;

   const T delta = (T(4) * pi) / T(1000);

   for (t = (T(-2) * pi); t <= (T(+2) * pi); t += delta)
      const T result = expression.value();
      printf("%19.15f\t%19.15f\n", t, result);

The C++ Mathematical Expression Library Sqaure Wave Graph - Copyright Arash Partow

Simple Example 3 - Polynomial Evaluation With Implied Multiplications

The following example evaluates a 5th degree polynomial within the domain [0,1] with a step size of 1/100th. An interesting side note in the expression is how the multiplication of the coefficients to the variable 'x' are implied rather than explicitly defined using the multiplication operator '*' [source: simple_example_03.cpp]

template <typename T>
void polynomial()
   typedef exprtk::symbol_table<T> symbol_table_t;
   typedef exprtk::expression<T>   expression_t;
   typedef exprtk::parser<T>       parser_t;

   const std::string expression_string =
      "25x^5 - 35x^4 - 15x^3 + 40x^2 - 15x + 1";

   const T r0 = T(0);
   const T r1 = T(1);
         T  x = T(0);

   symbol_table_t symbol_table;

   expression_t expression;

   parser_t parser;

   const T delta = T(1.0 / 100.0);

   for (x = r0; x <= r1; x += delta)
      printf("%19.15f\t%19.15f\n", x, expression.value());

The C++ Mathematical Expression Library Polynomial Graph - ExprTk - Copyright Arash Partow

Simple Example 4 - Fibonacci Sequence Via Function Compositor

The following example generates the first 40 Fibonacci numbers using a simple iterative method. The example demonstrates the use of multiple assignment and sequence points, switch statements, while-loops and composited functions with expression local variables. [source: simple_example_04.cpp]

template <typename T>
void fibonacci()
   typedef exprtk::symbol_table<T>         symbol_table_t;
   typedef exprtk::expression<T>           expression_t;
   typedef exprtk::parser<T>               parser_t;
   typedef exprtk::function_compositor<T>  compositor_t;
   typedef typename compositor_t::function function_t;

   T x = T(0);

   compositor_t compositor;

         " switch                      "
         " {                           "
         "    case x == 0 : 0;         "
         "    case x == 1 : 1;         "
         "    default     :            "
         "    {                        "
         "       var prev := 0;        "
         "       var curr := 1;        "
         "       while ((x -= 1) > 0)  "
         "       {                     "
         "          var temp := prev;  "
         "          prev := curr;      "
         "          curr += temp;      "
         "       };                    "
         "    };                       "
         " }                           "

   symbol_table_t& symbol_table = compositor.symbol_table();

   std::string expression_str = "fibonacci(x)";

   expression_t expression;

   parser_t parser;

   for (std::size_t i = 0; i < 40; ++i)
      x = static_cast<T>(i);

      const T result = expression.value();

      printf("fibonacci(%3d) = %10.0f\n",

Simple Example 5 - User Defined Function And Expression Evaluation

The following example demonstrates how one can easily register a custom user defined function to be used within expression evaluations. In this example one of the custom functions myfunc takes two parameters as input and returns a result, the other being a free function named myotherfunc which takes three values as input and returns a result. Furthermore the 'myfunc' function explicitly enables itself for constant-folding optimisations by indicating it is stateless and has no external side-effects. The upper limit for individual parameters is 20 inputs. If more inputs are required then either the ivararg_function or igeneric_function interfaces can be used, both of which support an unlimited number of input parameters. [source: simple_example_05.cpp]

template <typename T>
struct myfunc final : public exprtk::ifunction<T>
   : exprtk::ifunction<T>(2)
   { exprtk::disable_has_side_effects(*this); }

   inline T operator()(const T& v1, const T& v2) override
      return T(1) + (v1 * v2) / T(3);

template <typename T>
inline T myotherfunc(T v0, T v1, T v2)
   return std::abs(v0 - v1) * v2;

template <typename T>
void custom_function()
   typedef exprtk::symbol_table<T> symbol_table_t;
   typedef exprtk::expression<T>   expression_t;
   typedef exprtk::parser<T>       parser_t;

   const std::string expression_string =
      "myfunc(sin(x / pi), otherfunc(3 * y, x / 2, x * y))";

   T x = T(1);
   T y = T(2);

   myfunc<T> mf;

   symbol_table_t symbol_table;

   expression_t expression;

   parser_t parser;

   T result = expression.value();
   printf("Result: %10.5f\n",result);

Simple Example 6 - Vector Processing Via For-Loop

The following example demonstrates how one can evaluate an expression over multiple vectors. The example evaluates the value of an expression at the ith element of vectors x and y and assigns the value to the ith value of vector z. The example demonstrates the use of vector indexing, the vector 'size' operator and for loops. [source: simple_example_06.cpp]

template <typename T>
void vector_function()
   typedef exprtk::symbol_table<T> symbol_table_t;
   typedef exprtk::expression<T>   expression_t;
   typedef exprtk::parser<T>       parser_t;

   const std::string expression_string =
      " for (var i := 0; i < min(x[], y[], z[]); i += 1) "
      " {                                                "
      "    z[i] := 3sin(x[i]) + 2log(y[i]);              "
      " }                                                ";

   T x[] = { T(1.1), T(2.2), T(3.3), T(4.4), T(5.5) };
   T y[] = { T(1.1), T(2.2), T(3.3), T(4.4), T(5.5) };
   T z[] = { T(0.0), T(0.0), T(0.0), T(0.0), T(0.0) };

   symbol_table_t symbol_table;

   expression_t expression;

   parser_t parser;


Simple Example 7 - Truth Table Generation

The following example demonstrates how one can create and later on reference variables via the symbol_table. In the example a simple boolean expression is evaluated so as to determine its truth-table. [source: simple_example_07.cpp]

template <typename T>
void logic()
   typedef exprtk::symbol_table<T> symbol_table_t;
   typedef exprtk::expression<T>   expression_t;
   typedef exprtk::parser<T>       parser_t;

   const std::string expression_string = "not(A and B) or C";

   symbol_table_t symbol_table;

   expression_t expression;

   parser_t parser;

   printf(" # | A | B | C | %s\n"

   for (int i = 0; i < 8; ++i)
      symbol_table.get_variable("A")->ref() = T(i & 0x01 ? 1 : 0);
      symbol_table.get_variable("B")->ref() = T(i & 0x02 ? 1 : 0);
      symbol_table.get_variable("C")->ref() = T(i & 0x04 ? 1 : 0);

      const int result = static_cast<int>(expression.value());

      printf(" %d | %d | %d | %d | %d \n",
Expected output:
 # | A | B | C | not(A and B) or C
 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1
 1 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 1
 2 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 1
 3 | 1 | 1 | 0 | 0
 4 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 1
 5 | 1 | 0 | 1 | 1
 6 | 0 | 1 | 1 | 1
 7 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1

Simple Example 8 - Function Of Function Evaluation Via Compositor

The following example demonstrates the function composition capabilities within ExprTk. In the example there are two simple functions defined, an f(x) and a multivariate g(x,y). The function g(x,y) is composed of calls to f(x), the culmination of which is a final expression composed from both functions. Furthermore the example demonstrates how one can extract all errors that were encountered during a failed compilation process. [source: simple_example_08.cpp]

template <typename T>
void composite()
   typedef exprtk::symbol_table<T>         symbol_table_t;
   typedef exprtk::expression<T>           expression_t;
   typedef exprtk::parser<T>               parser_t;
   typedef exprtk::parser_error::type      err_t;
   typedef exprtk::function_compositor<T>  compositor_t;
   typedef typename compositor_t::function function_t;

   T x = T(1);
   T y = T(2);

   compositor_t compositor;

   symbol_table_t& symbol_table = compositor.symbol_table();

      function_t("f")     // f(x) = sin(x / pi)
      .expression( "sin(x / pi)" ));

      function_t("g")     // g(x,y) = 3[f(x) + f(y)]
      .vars("x", "y")
      .expression( "3*[f(x) + f(y)]" ));

   std::string expression_string = "g(1 + f(x), f(y) / 2)";

   expression_t expression;

   parser_t parser;

   if (!parser.compile(expression_string,expression))
      printf("Error: %s\tExpression: %s\n",

      for (std::size_t i = 0; i < parser.error_count(); ++i)
         const err_t error = parser.get_error(i);

         printf("Error: %02d  Position: %02d Type: [%14s] Msg: %s\tExpression: %s\n",
                static_cast<unsigned int>(i),
                static_cast<unsigned int>(error.token.position),


   const T result = expression.value();

   printf("%s = %e\n", expression_string.c_str(), result);

Simple Example 9 - Prime Numbers Using Various Methods

The following example demonstrates the computation of prime numbers via a mixture of recursive composited functions, switch-statement, for-loop and vector processing functionalities. [source: simple_example_09.cpp]

template <typename T>
void primes()
   typedef exprtk::symbol_table<T>         symbol_table_t;
   typedef exprtk::expression<T>           expression_t;
   typedef exprtk::parser<T>               parser_t;
   typedef exprtk::function_compositor<T>  compositor_t;
   typedef typename compositor_t::function function_t;

   T x = T(0);

   symbol_table_t symbol_table;


   compositor_t compositor(symbol_table);

   //Mode 1 - if statement based
      .vars("x", "y")
         " if (y == 1,true,                "
         "    if (0 == (x % y),false,      "
         "       is_prime_impl1(x,y - 1))) "

         " if (frac(x) != 0)                                   "
         "    return [false];                                  "
         " else if (x <= 0)                                    "
         "    return [false];                                  "
         " else                                                "
         "    is_prime_impl1(x,min(x - 1,trunc(sqrt(x)) + 1)); "

   //Mode 2 - switch statement based
      .vars("x", "y")
         " switch                                          "
         " {                                               "
         "    case y == 1       : true;                    "
         "    case (x % y) == 0 : false;                   "
         "    default           : is_prime_impl2(x,y - 1); "
         " }                                               "

         " switch                                                                  "
         " {                                                                       "
         "    case x <= 0       : false;                                           "
         "    case frac(x) != 0 : false;                                           "
         "    default           : is_prime_impl2(x,min(x - 1,trunc(sqrt(x)) + 1)); "
         " }                                                                       "

   //Mode 3 - switch statement and for-loop based
         " switch                                              "
         " {                                                   "
         "    case x <= 1       : return [false];              "
         "    case frac(x) != 0 : return [false];              "
         "    case x == 2       : return [true ];              "
         " };                                                  "
         "                                                     "
         " var prime_lut[27] :=                                "
         " {                                                   "
         "      2,   3,   5,   7,  11,  13,  17,  19,  23,     "
         "     29,  31,  37,  41,  43,  47,  53,  59,  61,     "
         "     67,  71,  73,  79,  83,  89,  97, 101, 103      "
         " };                                                  "
         "                                                     "
         " var upper_bound := min(x - 1, trunc(sqrt(x)) + 1);  "
         "                                                     "
         " for (var i := 0; i < prime_lut[]; i += 1)           "
         " {                                                   "
         "    if (prime_lut[i] >= upper_bound)                 "
         "       return [true];                                "
         "    else if ((x % prime_lut[i]) == 0)                "
         "       return [false];                               "
         " };                                                  "
         "                                                     "
         " var lower_bound := prime_lut[prime_lut[] - 1] + 2;  "
         "                                                     "
         " for (var i := lower_bound; i < upper_bound; i += 2) "
         " {                                                   "
         "    if ((x % i) == 0)                                "
         "    {                                                "
         "       return [false];                               "
         "    }                                                "
         " };                                                  "
         "                                                     "
         " return [true];                                      "

   std::string expression_str1 = "is_prime1(x)";
   std::string expression_str2 = "is_prime2(x)";
   std::string expression_str3 = "is_prime3(x)";

   expression_t expression1;
   expression_t expression2;
   expression_t expression3;

   parser_t parser;

   parser.compile(expression_str1, expression1);
   parser.compile(expression_str2, expression2);
   parser.compile(expression_str3, expression3);

   for (std::size_t i = 0; i < 15000; ++i)
      x = static_cast<T>(i);

      const T result1 = expression1.value();
      const T result2 = expression2.value();
      const T result3 = expression3.value();

      const bool results_concur = (result1 == result2) &&
                                  (result1 == result3) ;

      printf("%03d  Result1: %c  Result2: %c  Result3: %c  "
             "Results Concur: %c\n",
             static_cast<unsigned int>(i),
             (result1 == T(1)) ? 'T' : 'F',
             (result2 == T(1)) ? 'T' : 'F',
             (result3 == T(1)) ? 'T' : 'F',
             (results_concur)  ? 'T' : 'F');

Simple Example 10 - Square-Root Via Newton-Raphson Method

The following example is an implementation of the Newton–Raphson method for computing the approximate of the square root of a real number. The example below demonstrates the use of multiple sub-expressions, sequence points, switch statements, expression local variables, function compositor and the repeat until loop. [source: simple_example_10.cpp]

template <typename T>
void newton_sqrt()
   typedef exprtk::symbol_table<T>         symbol_table_t;
   typedef exprtk::expression<T>           expression_t;
   typedef exprtk::parser<T>               parser_t;
   typedef exprtk::function_compositor<T>  compositor_t;
   typedef typename compositor_t::function function_t;

   T x = T(0);

   symbol_table_t symbol_table;


   compositor_t compositor(symbol_table);

         " switch                                                   "
         " {                                                        "
         "    case x < 0  : null;                                   "
         "    case x == 0 : 0;                                      "
         "    case x == 1 : 1;                                      "
         "    default:                                              "
         "    {                                                     "
         "       var z := 100;                                      "
         "       var sqrt_x := x / 2;                               "
         "       repeat                                             "
         "          if (equal(sqrt_x^2, x))                         "
         "             break[sqrt_x];                               "
         "          else                                            "
         "             sqrt_x := (1 / 2) * (sqrt_x + (x / sqrt_x)); "
         "       until ((z -= 1) <= 0);                             "
         "    };                                                    "
         " }                                                        "

   const std::string expression_str = "newton_sqrt(x)";

   expression_t expression;

   parser_t parser;

   for (std::size_t i = 0; i < 1000; ++i)
      x = static_cast<T>(i);

      const T result = expression.value();
      const T real   = std::sqrt(x);
      const T error  = std::abs(result - real);

      printf("sqrt(%03d) - Result: %15.13f\tReal: %15.13f\tError: %18.16f\n",
             static_cast<unsigned int>(i),

Simple Example 11 - Square-Wave Derived From A Large Number Of Harmonics

The following is similar to Example 2. However in this example, the square wave form is generated using 1000 harmonics. The example demonstrates the use of for-loops, implied multiplications, expression local variables and addition/multiplication assignment operators. [source: simple_example_11.cpp]

template <typename T>
void square_wave2()
   typedef exprtk::symbol_table<T> symbol_table_t;
   typedef exprtk::expression<T>   expression_t;
   typedef exprtk::parser<T>       parser_t;

   const std::string wave_program =
      " var r := 0;                                          "
      "                                                      "
      " for (var i := 0; i < 1000; i += 1)                   "
      " {                                                    "
      "    r += (1 / (2i + 1)) * sin((4i + 2) * pi * f * t); "
      " };                                                   "
      "                                                      "
      " r *= a * (4 / pi);                                   ";

   static const T pi = T(3.141592653589793238462643383279502);

   T f = pi / T(10);
   T t = T(0);
   T a = T(10);

   symbol_table_t symbol_table;

   expression_t expression;

   parser_t parser;

   const T delta = (T(4) * pi) / T(1000);

   for (t = (T(-2) * pi); t <= (T(+2) * pi); t += delta)
      const T result = expression.value();
      printf("%19.15f\t%19.15f\n", t, result);

The C++ Mathematical Expression Library Sqaure Wave II Graph - ExprTk - Copyright Arash Partow

Simple Example 12 - Implementation Of The Bubble Sort Algorithm

The following is an example of the 'venerable' Bubble Sort algorithm. The example demonstrates functionality such as vector elements, repeat-until loop, nested for-loop, expression local variables and the swap operator. [source: simple_example_12.cpp]

template <typename T>
void bubble_sort()
   typedef exprtk::symbol_table<T> symbol_table_t;
   typedef exprtk::expression<T>   expression_t;
   typedef exprtk::parser<T>       parser_t;

   const std::string bubblesort_program =
      " var upper_bound := v[];                      "
      "                                              "
      " repeat                                       "
      "    var new_upper_bound := 0;                 "
      "                                              "
      "    for (var i := 1; i < upper_bound; i += 1) "
      "    {                                         "
      "       if (v[i - 1] > v[i])                   "
      "       {                                      "
      "          v[i - 1] <=> v[i];                  "
      "          new_upper_bound := i;               "
      "       };                                     "
      "    };                                        "
      "                                              "
      "    upper_bound := new_upper_bound;           "
      "                                              "
      " until (upper_bound <= 1);                    ";

   T v[] = { T(9.1), T(2.2), T(1.3), T(5.4), T(7.5), T(4.6), T(3.7) };

   symbol_table_t symbol_table;

   expression_t expression;

   parser_t parser;


Simple Example 13 - Savitzky-Golay Digital Smoothing Filter

The following is an example implementation of the Savitzky-Golay smoothing filter. A periodic signal with Additive White noise is generated (v_in), the Savitzky-Golay filter is then applied to the noisy signal and output to the vector v_out. The graph below denotes the noisy and smoothed signals in blue and red respectively. The example demonstrates the use of user defined vectors, expression local vectors and variables, nested for-loops, conditional statements and the vector size operator. [source: simple_example_13.cpp]

template <typename T>
void savitzky_golay_filter()
   typedef exprtk::symbol_table<T> symbol_table_t;
   typedef exprtk::expression<T>   expression_t;
   typedef exprtk::parser<T>       parser_t;

   const std::string sgfilter_program =
      " var weight[9] :=                                            "
      "     {                                                       "
      "        -21, 14,  39,                                        "
      "         54, 59,  54,                                        "
      "         39, 14, -21                                         "
      "     };                                                      "
      "                                                             "
      " if (v_in[] >= weight[])                                     "
      " {                                                           "
      "    const var lower_bound := trunc(weight[] / 2);            "
      "    const var upper_bound := v_in[] - lower_bound;           "
      "                                                             "
      "    v_out := 0;                                              "
      "                                                             "
      "    for (var i := lower_bound; i < upper_bound; i += 1)      "
      "    {                                                        "
      "       for (var j := -lower_bound; j <= lower_bound; j += 1) "
      "       {                                                     "
      "          v_out[i] += weight[j + lower_bound] * v_in[i + j]; "
      "       };                                                    "
      "    };                                                       "
      "                                                             "
      "    v_out /= sum(weight);                                    "
      " }                                                           ";

   const std::size_t n = 1024;

   std::vector<T> v_in;
   std::vector<T> v_out;

   const T pi = T(3.141592653589793238462643383279502);

   srand(static_cast<unsigned int>(time(0)));

   // Generate a signal with noise.
   for (T t = T(-5); t <= T(+5); t += T(10.0 / n))
      const T noise = T(0.5 * (rand() / (RAND_MAX + 1.0) - 0.5));
      v_in.push_back(sin(2.0 * pi * t) + noise);


   symbol_table_t symbol_table;
   symbol_table.add_vector("v_in" , v_in );
   symbol_table.add_vector("v_out", v_out);

   expression_t expression;

   parser_t parser;


   for (std::size_t i = 0; i < v_out.size(); ++i)
      printf("%10.6f\t%10.6f\n", v_in[i], v_out[i]);

The C++ Mathematical Expression Library Savitzky Golay Filter - ExprTk - Copyright Arash Partow

Simple Example 14 - Standard Deviation Via Vector Processing Methods

The following example calculates the Standard Deviation of a vector x comprised of values in the range [1,25]. The example demonstrates the vector processing capabilities of ExprTk, such as the definition and initialisation of expression local vectors, unary-operator and aggregator functions over vectors, scalar-vector arithmetic and the vector size operator. [source: simple_example_14.cpp]

template <typename T>
void stddev_example()
   typedef exprtk::expression<T> expression_t;
   typedef exprtk::parser<T>     parser_t;

   const std::string stddev_program =
      " var x[25] := {                     "
      "                 1,  2,  3,  4,  5, "
      "                 6,  7,  8,  9, 10, "
      "                11, 12, 13, 14, 15, "
      "                16, 17, 18, 19, 20, "
      "                21, 22, 23, 24, 25  "
      "              };                    "
      "                                    "
      " sqrt(sum([x - avg(x)]^2) / x[])    ";

   expression_t expression;

   parser_t parser;

   T stddev = expression.value();

   printf("stddev(1..25) = %10.6f\n",stddev);

Simple Example 15 - Black-Scholes-Merton Option Pricing Model

The following example calculates the price of European Call and Put options using the Black-Scholes-Merton option pricing model, and confirms the prices are arbitrage free by computing the Put-Call parity. The example demonstrates the use of user defined and expression local variables, user defined numeric constants, conditional statements, string comparisons and arithmetic functionality. [source: simple_example_15.cpp]

template <typename T>
void black_scholes_merton_model()
   typedef exprtk::symbol_table<T> symbol_table_t;
   typedef exprtk::expression<T>   expression_t;
   typedef exprtk::parser<T>       parser_t;

   const std::string bsm_model_program =
      " var d1 := (log(s / k) + (r + v^2 / 2) * t) / (v * sqrt(t)); "
      " var d2 := d1 - v * sqrt(t);                                 "
      "                                                             "
      " if (callput_flag == 'call')                                 "
      "    s * ncdf(d1) - k * e^(-r * t) * ncdf(d2);                "
      " else if (callput_flag == 'put')                             "
      "    k * e^(-r * t) * ncdf(-d2) - s * ncdf(-d1);              "
      "                                                             ";

   T s = T(60.00); // Spot / Stock / Underlying / Base price
   T k = T(65.00); // Strike price
   T v = T( 0.30); // Volatility
   T t = T( 0.25); // Years to maturity
   T r = T( 0.08); // Risk free rate

   std::string callput_flag;

   static const T e = exprtk::details::numeric::constant::e;

   symbol_table_t symbol_table;

   expression_t expression;

   parser_t parser;

   callput_flag = "call";

   const T bsm_call_option_price = expression.value();

   callput_flag = "put";

   const T bsm_put_option_price = expression.value();

   printf("BSM(call, %5.3f, %5.3f, %5.3f, %5.3f, %5.3f) = %10.6f\n",
          s, k, t, r, v,

   printf("BSM(put , %5.3f, %5.3f, %5.3f, %5.3f, %5.3f) = %10.6f\n",
          s, k, t, r, v,

   const T put_call_parity_diff =
      (bsm_call_option_price - bsm_put_option_price) -
      (s - k * std::exp(-r * t));

   printf("Put-Call parity difference: %20.17f\n", put_call_parity_diff);

Simple Example 16 - Linear Least Squares Using Vector Processing Methods

The following example attempts to compute a linear fit for a set of 2D data points utilizing the Linear Least Squares method. The data points are comprised of two vectors named x and y plotted as blue on the chart, the result being a linear equation in the form of y = β x + α which is depicted in red. The example demonstrates the use of user defined vectors, vector operations and aggregators and conditional statements. [source: simple_example_16.cpp]

template <typename T>
void linear_least_squares()
   typedef exprtk::symbol_table<T> symbol_table_t;
   typedef exprtk::expression<T>   expression_t;
   typedef exprtk::parser<T>       parser_t;

   const std::string linear_least_squares_program =
      " if (x[] == y[])                                        "
      " {                                                      "
      "    beta  := (sum(x * y) - sum(x) * sum(y) / x[]) /     "
      "             (sum(x^2) - sum(x)^2 / x[]);               "
      "                                                        "
      "    alpha := avg(y) - beta * avg(x);                    "
      "                                                        "
      "    rmse  := sqrt(sum((beta * x + alpha - y)^2) / y[]); "
      " }                                                      "
      " else                                                   "
      " {                                                      "
      "    alpha := null;                                      "
      "    beta  := null;                                      "
      "    rmse  := null;                                      "
      " }                                                      ";

   T x[] = {T(  1), T(  2), T(3), T(  4), T(  5), T(6), T(  7), T(  8), T(  9), T(10)};
   T y[] = {T(8.7), T(6.8), T(6), T(5.6), T(3.8), T(3), T(2.4), T(1.7), T(0.4), T(-1)};

   T alpha = T(0);
   T beta  = T(0);
   T rmse  = T(0);

   symbol_table_t symbol_table;

   symbol_table.add_variable("alpha", alpha);
   symbol_table.add_variable("beta" , beta );
   symbol_table.add_variable("rmse" , rmse );

   symbol_table.add_vector("x", x);
   symbol_table.add_vector("y", y);

   expression_t expression;

   parser_t parser;


   printf("alpha: %15.12f\n", alpha);
   printf("beta:  %15.12f\n", beta );
   printf("rmse:  %15.12f\n", rmse );
   printf("y = %15.12fx + %15.12f\n", beta, alpha);

The C++ Mathematical Expression Library Linear Least Squares - ExprTk - Copyright Arash Partow

Simple Example 17 - Approximation Of Pi (π) via The Monte-Carlo Method

The following example will compute an approximate value for π using the Monte-Carlo method. The example demonstrates the use of vector inequality operations, vector initialisation via expressions, the vector size operator, the summation aggregator and user defined functions for generating a uniformly distributed random value in the range [0,1). [source: simple_example_17.cpp]

template <typename T>
struct rnd_01 final : public exprtk::ifunction<T>
   using exprtk::ifunction<T>::operator();

   rnd_01() : exprtk::ifunction<T>(0)
   { ::srand(static_cast<unsigned int>(time(NULL))); }

   inline T operator()() override
      // Note: Do not use this in production
      // Result is in the interval [0,1)
      return T(::rand() / T(RAND_MAX + 1.0));

template <typename T>
void monte_carlo_pi()
   typedef exprtk::symbol_table<T> symbol_table_t;
   typedef exprtk::expression<T>   expression_t;
   typedef exprtk::parser<T>       parser_t;

   const std::string monte_carlo_pi_program =
      " var samples[2 * 10^8] := [(rnd_01^2 + rnd_01^2) <= 1]; "
      " 4 * sum(samples) / samples[];                          ";

   rnd_01<T> rnd01;

   symbol_table_t symbol_table;

   expression_t expression;

   parser_t parser;

   const T approximate_pi = expression.value();

   const T real_pi = T(3.141592653589793238462643383279502); // or close enough...

   printf("pi ~ %20.17f\terror: %20.17f\n",
          std::abs(real_pi - approximate_pi));

Simple Example 18 - File I/O Processing Demonstration

The following example will open a file named 'file.txt' in write mode, and write to the file a piece of text ten times, then finally close the file. The following example demonstrates the ExprTk file I/O package capabilities, handle manipulations, the null type, local string variables, if-else statements and for-loops. [source: simple_example_18.cpp]

template <typename T>
void file_io()
   typedef exprtk::symbol_table<T> symbol_table_t;
   typedef exprtk::expression<T>   expression_t;
   typedef exprtk::parser<T>       parser_t;

   const std::string fileio_program =
      " var file_name := 'file.txt';                          "
      " var stream    := null;                                "
      "                                                       "
      " if (stream := open(file_name,'w'))                    "
      "    println('Successfully opened file: ' + file_name); "
      " else                                                  "
      " {                                                     "
      "    println('Failed to open file: ' + file_name);      "
      "    return [false];                                    "
      " };                                                    "
      "                                                       "
      " var s := 'Hello world...';                            "
      "                                                       "
      " for (var i := 0; i < 10; i += 1)                      "
      " {                                                     "
      "    write(stream,s);                                   "
      " };                                                    "
      "                                                       "
      " if (close(stream))                                    "
      "    println('Sucessfully closed file: ' + file_name);  "
      " else                                                  "
      " {                                                     "
      "    println('Failed to close file: ' + file_name);     "
      "    return [false];                                    "
      " }                                                     ";

   exprtk::rtl::io::file::package<T> fileio_package;
   exprtk::rtl::io::println<T>       println;

   symbol_table_t symbol_table;
   symbol_table.add_package (fileio_package   );

   expression_t expression;

   parser_t parser;

   printf("Result %10.3f\n",expression.value());

Simple Example 19 - User Defined Var-Arg Function With Vector Operations

The following example illustrates a var-arg igeneric_function definition that can handle two specific overloads. The first being a vector only, the second being a vector and range (using two scalars) input set. The function when invoked will populate the input vector over the defined range with uniformly distributed pseudo-random values in the range [0,1). The example expression takes a signal vector, then proceeds to add a noise vector to the signal, resulting in a 'noisy-signal'. Furthermore the resulting noisy signal's average as well as its element-wise form is printed to stdout using a for-loop. [source: simple_example_19.cpp]

template <typename T>
class randu : public exprtk::igeneric_function<T>

   typedef typename exprtk::igeneric_function<T> igfun_t;
   typedef typename igfun_t::parameter_list_t    parameter_list_t;
   typedef typename igfun_t::generic_type        generic_type;
   typedef typename generic_type::vector_view    vector_t;

   using exprtk::igeneric_function<T>::operator();

   : exprtk::igeneric_function<T>("V|VTT")
        0. V   - vector
        1. VTT - vector, r0, r1
   { ::srand(static_cast<unsigned int>(time(NULL))); }

   inline T operator()(const std::size_t& ps_index, parameter_list_t parameters)
      vector_t v(parameters[0]);

      std::size_t r0 = 0;
      std::size_t r1 = v.size() - 1;

      using namespace exprtk::rtl::vecops::helper;

      if (
           (1 == ps_index) &&
           !load_vector_range<T>::process(parameters, r0, r1, 1, 2, 0)
         return T(0);

      for (std::size_t i = r0; i <= r1; ++i)
         v[i] = rnd();

      return T(1);


   inline T rnd()
      // Note: Do not use this in production
      // Result is in the interval [0,1)
      return T(::rand() / T(RAND_MAX + 1.0));

template <typename T>
void vector_randu()
   typedef exprtk::symbol_table<T> symbol_table_t;
   typedef exprtk::expression<T>   expression_t;
   typedef exprtk::parser<T>       parser_t;

   const std::string vecrandu_program =
      " var noise[6] := [0];                          "
      "                                               "
      " if (randu(noise, 0, 5) == false)              "
      " {                                             "
      "    println('Failed to generate noise');       "
      "    return [false];                            "
      " };                                            "
      "                                               "
      " var noisy[noise[]] := signal + (noise - 1/2); "
      "                                               "
      " for (var i := 0; i < noisy[]; i += 1)         "
      " {                                             "
      "    println('noisy[',i,'] = ', noisy[i]);      "
      " };                                            "
      "                                               "
      " println('avg: ', avg(noisy));                 "
      "                                               ";

   T signal[] = { T(1.1), T(2.2), T(3.3), T(4.4), T(5.5), T(6.6), T(7.7) };

   exprtk::rtl::io::println<T> println;
   randu<T>                    randu;

   symbol_table_t symbol_table;
   symbol_table.add_vector  ("signal" , signal );
   symbol_table.add_function("println", println);
   symbol_table.add_function("randu"  , randu  );

   expression_t expression;

   parser_t parser;


Simple Example 20 - Vector Processing Runtime Checks

ExprTk provides the ability to catch and handle, at runtime, vector access and processing violations. This is achieved by initially registering with the parser a Vector Access Runtime Check (VARTC) handler that subsequently is used to inject runtime checks into vector processing statements. The following example demonstrates how a simple custom VARTC can be defined and registered with a parser. The expression when evaluated will trigger an access violation, the handler will attempt to determine which vector the violation occurred on, and then print pertinent information to stdout. [source: simple_example_20.cpp]

struct vector_access_rtc : public exprtk::vector_access_runtime_check
   typedef std::map<void*, std::string> map_t;
   map_t vector_map;

   bool handle_runtime_violation(violation_context& context)
      const map_t::iterator itr = vector_map.find(static_cast<void*>(context.base_ptr));
      std::string vector_name   = (itr != vector_map.end()) ?
                                  itr->second : "Unknown"   ;

      printf("Runtime vector access violation\n"
             "Vector: %s base: %p end: %p access: %p typesize: %d\n",
             context.base_ptr   ,
             context.end_ptr    ,
             context.access_ptr ,
             static_cast<unsigned int>(context.type_size));

      throw std::runtime_error
         ("Runtime vector access violation. Vector: " + vector_name);

      return false;

template <typename T>
void vector_overflow_example()
   typedef exprtk::symbol_table<T> symbol_table_t;
   typedef exprtk::expression<T>   expression_t;
   typedef exprtk::parser<T>       parser_t;

   const std::string expression_str =
      " for (var i := 0; i < max(v0[],v1[]); i += 1) "
      " {                                            "
      "    v0[i] := (2 * v0[i]) + (v1[i] / 3);       "
      " }                                            ";

   T v0[5 ] = { 0, 1, 2, 3, 4 };
   T v1[10] = { 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 };

   vector_access_rtc vec_rtc;

   vec_rtc.vector_map[v0] = "v0";
   vec_rtc.vector_map[v1] = "v1";

   symbol_table_t symbol_table;
   expression_t   expression;
   parser_t       parser;

   symbol_table.add_vector("v0", v0);
   symbol_table.add_vector("v1", v1);



      if (!parser.compile(expression_str, expression))
         printf("Error: %s\tExpression: %s\n",


   catch(std::runtime_error& exception)
      printf("Exception: %s\n",exception.what());

Simple Example 21 - Cox, Ross and Rubinstein Binomial Option Pricing Model

The following example computes the prices of European Call and Put options for a given strike price using the Cox-Ross-Rubinstein binomial option pricing model, and confirms the prices are arbitrage free by computing the Put-Call parity. The example demonstrates the use of vector processing, switch statements, user defined and expression local variables, numerical constants, conditional statements, for-loop structures, string comparisons and arithmetic functionality. [source: simple_example_21.cpp]

template <typename T>
void binomial_option_pricing_model()
   typedef exprtk::symbol_table<T> symbol_table_t;
   typedef exprtk::expression<T>   expression_t;
   typedef exprtk::parser<T>       parser_t;

   const std::string european_option_binomial_model_program =
      " var dt     := t / n;                                              "
      " var z      := exp(r * dt);                                        "
      " var z_inv  := 1 / z;                                              "
      " var u      := exp(v * sqrt(dt));                                  "
      " var u_inv  := 1 / u;                                              "
      " var p_up   := (z - u_inv) / (u - u_inv);                          "
      " var p_down := 1 - p_up;                                           "
      "                                                                   "
      " var option_price[n + 1] := [0];                                   "
      "                                                                   "
      " for (var i := 0; i <= n; i += 1)                                  "
      " {                                                                 "
      "    var base_price  := s * u^(n - 2i);                             "
      "    option_price[i] :=                                             "
      "       switch                                                      "
      "       {                                                           "
      "          case callput_flag == 'call' : max(base_price - k, 0);    "
      "          case callput_flag == 'put'  : max(k - base_price, 0);    "
      "       };                                                          "
      " };                                                                "
      "                                                                   "
      " for (var j := n - 1; j >= 0; j -= 1)                              "
      " {                                                                 "
      "    for (var i := 0; i <= j; i += 1)                               "
      "    {                                                              "
      "       option_price[i] := z_inv *                                  "
      "          (p_up * option_price[i] + p_down * option_price[i + 1]); "
      "    }                                                              "
      " };                                                                "
      "                                                                   "
      " option_price[0];                                                  ";

   T s = T( 100.00); // Spot / Stock / Underlying / Base price
   T k = T( 110.00); // Strike price
   T v = T(   0.30); // Volatility
   T t = T(   2.22); // Years to maturity
   T r = T(   0.05); // Risk free rate
   T n = T(1000.00); // Number of time steps

   std::string callput_flag;

   symbol_table_t symbol_table;

   expression_t expression;

   parser_t parser;

   callput_flag = "call";

   const T binomial_call_option_price = expression.value();

   callput_flag = "put";

   const T binomial_put_option_price = expression.value();

   printf("BinomialPrice(call, %5.3f, %5.3f, %5.3f, %5.3f, %5.3f) = %10.6f\n",
          s, k, t, r, v,

   printf("BinomialPrice(put , %5.3f, %5.3f, %5.3f, %5.3f, %5.3f) = %10.6f\n",
          s, k, t, r, v,

   const T put_call_parity_diff =
      (binomial_call_option_price - binomial_put_option_price) -
      (s - k * std::exp(-r * t));

   printf("Put-Call parity difference: %20.17f\n", put_call_parity_diff);

Simple Example 22 - Implied Volatility Of A European Option

The following example calculates the implied volatility of European Call and Put options for the same strike based on a given target price using the Newton-Raphson method, where the derivative of the option price with respect to its volatility will be its Vega. The example demonstrates the use of compositor functions, switch statements, conditional statements, user defined and expression local variables and constant variables, numerical constants, string comparisons, loop control structures, the ternary operator, inline statements, immutable symbol tables and arithmetic functionality. [source: simple_example_22.cpp]

template <typename T>
void compute_european_option_implied_volatility()
   typedef exprtk::symbol_table<T>         symbol_table_t;
   typedef exprtk::expression<T>           expression_t;
   typedef exprtk::parser<T>               parser_t;
   typedef exprtk::function_compositor<T>  compositor_t;
   typedef typename compositor_t::function function_t;

   const std::string option_implied_volatility_program =
      " const var epsilon   := 0.0000001;                               "
      " const var max_iters := 1000;                                    "
      "                                                                 "
      " var v   := 0.5; /* Initial volatility guess */                  "
      " var itr := 0;                                                   "
      "                                                                 "
      " while ((itr += 1) <= max_iters)                                 "
      " {                                                               "
      "    var price :=                                                 "
      "       switch                                                    "
      "       {                                                         "
      "          case callput_flag == 'call' : bsm_call(s, k, r, t, v); "
      "          case callput_flag == 'put'  : bsm_put (s, k, r, t, v); "
      "       };                                                        "
      "                                                                 "
      "    var price_diff := price - target_price;                      "
      "                                                                 "
      "    if (abs(price_diff) <= epsilon)                              "
      "    {                                                            "
      "       break;                                                    "
      "    };                                                           "
      "                                                                 "
      "    var vega := bsm_vega(s, k, r, t, v);                         "
      "                                                                 "
      "    if (vega < epsilon)                                          "
      "    {                                                            "
      "       itr := max_iters + 1;                                     "
      "       break;                                                    "
      "    };                                                           "
      "                                                                 "
      "    v -= price_diff / vega;                                      "
      " };                                                              "
      "                                                                 "
      " itr <= max_iters ? v : null;                                    ";

   T s            = T(100.00); // Spot / Stock / Underlying / Base price
   T k            = T(110.00); // Strike price
   T t            = T(  2.22); // Years to maturity
   T r            = T(  0.05); // Risk free rate
   T target_price = T(  0.00);

   std::string callput_flag;

   symbol_table_t symbol_table(symbol_table_t::e_immutable);
   symbol_table.add_variable ("target_price",target_price);

   compositor_t compositor(symbol_table);

      .vars("s", "k", "r", "t", "v")
         " var d1 := (log(s / k) + (r + v^2 / 2) * t) / (v * sqrt(t)); "
         " var d2 := d1 - v * sqrt(t);                                 "
         " s * ncdf(d1) - k * exp(-r * t) * ncdf(d2);                  "

      .vars("s", "k", "r", "t", "v")
         " var d1 := (log(s / k) + (r + v^2 / 2) * t) / (v * sqrt(t)); "
         " var d2 := d1 - v * sqrt(t);                                 "
         " k * exp(-r * t) * ncdf(-d2) - s * ncdf(-d1);                "

      .vars("s", "k", "r", "t", "v")
         " var d1 := (log(s / k) + (r + v^2 / 2) * t) / (v * sqrt(t)); "
         " s * sqrt(t) * exp(-d1^2 / 2) / sqrt(2pi);                   "

   expression_t expression;

   parser_t parser;
   parser.compile(option_implied_volatility_program, expression);

      callput_flag = "call";
      target_price = T(18.339502);

      const T option_implied_vol = expression.value();

      printf("Call Option(s: %5.3f, k: %5.3f, t: %5.3f, r: %5.3f) "
             "@ $%8.6f Implied volatility = %10.8f\n",
             s, k, t, r, target_price, option_implied_vol);

      callput_flag = "put";
      target_price = T(16.782764);

      const T option_implied_vol = expression.value();

      printf("Put  Option(s: %5.3f, k: %5.3f, t: %5.3f, r: %5.3f) "
             "@ $%8.6f Implied volatility = %10.8f\n",
             s, k, t, r, target_price, option_implied_vol);

Simple Example 23 - 1D Real Discrete Fourier Transform

The following example will generate a specific waveform into the input vector, then proceed to compute its Discrete Fourier Transform placing it into the output vector. After which only significant frequency bins (aka phasors) and their associated power amplitudes will be written to stdout. The example demonstrates the use of compositor functions and symbol table embedding, user defined and expression local variables, numerical constants, vector processing, loop control structures, RTL IO and arithmetic functionality. [source: simple_example_23.cpp]

template <typename T>
void real_1d_discrete_fourier_transform()
   typedef exprtk::symbol_table<T>         symbol_table_t;
   typedef exprtk::expression<T>           expression_t;
   typedef exprtk::parser<T>               parser_t;
   typedef exprtk::function_compositor<T>  compositor_t;
   typedef typename compositor_t::function function_t;

   const T sampling_rate = 1024.0;            // ~1KHz
   const T N             = 8 * sampling_rate; // 8 seconds worth of samples

   std::vector<T> input (static_cast<std::size_t>(N),0.0);
   std::vector<T> output(static_cast<std::size_t>(N),0.0);

   exprtk::rtl::io::println<T> println;

   symbol_table_t symbol_table;
   symbol_table.add_vector   ("input"        , input        );
   symbol_table.add_vector   ("output"       , output       );
   symbol_table.add_function ("println"      , println      );
   symbol_table.add_constant ("N"            , N            );
   symbol_table.add_constant ("sampling_rate", sampling_rate);

   compositor_t compositor(symbol_table);

         " for (var k := 0; k < N; k += 1)        "
         " {                                      "
         "    var k_real := 0.0;                  "
         "    var k_imag := 0.0;                  "
         "                                        "
         "    for (var i := 0; i < N; i += 1)     "
         "    {                                   "
         "       var theta := 2pi * k * i / N;    "
         "       k_real += input[i] * cos(theta); "
         "       k_imag -= input[i] * sin(theta); "
         "    };                                  "
         "                                        "
         "    output[k] := hypot(k_real,k_imag);  "
         " }                                      "

   const std::string dft_program =
      "                                                                       "
      " /*                                                                    "
      "    Generate an aggregate waveform comprised of three                  "
      "    sine waves of varying frequencies and amplitudes.                  "
      " */                                                                    "
      " var frequencies[3] := { 100.0, 200.0, 300.0 }; /* Hz    */            "
      " var amplitudes [3] := {  10.0,  20.0,  30.0 }; /* Power */            "
      "                                                                       "
      " for (var i := 0; i < N; i += 1)                                       "
      " {                                                                     "
      "    var time := i / sampling_rate;                                     "
      "                                                                       "
      "    for (var j := 0; j < frequencies[]; j += 1)                        "
      "    {                                                                  "
      "       var frequency := frequencies[j];                                "
      "       var amplitude := amplitudes [j];                                "
      "       var theta     := 2 * pi * frequency * time;                     "
      "                                                                       "
      "       input[i] += amplitude * sin(theta);                             "
      "    }                                                                  "
      " };                                                                    "
      "                                                                       "
      " dft_1d_real(input[]);                                                 "
      "                                                                       "
      " var freq_bin_size   := sampling_rate / N;                             "
      " var max_bin         := ceil(N / 2);                                   "
      " var max_noise_level := 1e-5;                                          "
      "                                                                       "
      " /* Normalise amplitudes */                                            "
      " output /= max_bin;                                                    "
      "                                                                       "
      " println('1D Real DFT Frequencies');                                   "
      "                                                                       "
      " for (var k := 0; k < max_bin; k += 1)                                 "
      " {                                                                     "
      "    if (output[k] > max_noise_level)                                   "
      "    {                                                                  "
      "       var freq_begin := k * freq_bin_size;                            "
      "       var freq_end   := freq_begin + freq_bin_size;                   "
      "                                                                       "
      "       println('Index: ', k,' ',                                       "
      "               'Freq. range: [', freq_begin, 'Hz, ', freq_end, 'Hz) ', "
      "               'Amplitude: ', output[k]);                              "
      "    }                                                                  "
      " }                                                                     "
      "                                                                       ";

   expression_t expression;

   parser_t parser;


Simple Example 24 - Reverse Polish Notation Expression Evaluator

The following example will evaluate single digit number based Reverse Polish Notation expressions. The example demonstrates the use of igeneric_function, string ranges, loop control structures, user defined and expression local variables, switch statements and general arithmetic functionality. [source: simple_example_24.cpp]

template <typename T, T Process(const unsigned char)>
struct char_process : public exprtk::igeneric_function<T>
      typedef typename exprtk::igeneric_function<T> igfun_t;
   typedef typename igfun_t::parameter_list_t    parameter_list_t;
   typedef typename igfun_t::generic_type        generic_type;
   typedef typename generic_type::string_view    string_t;

   using exprtk::igeneric_function<T>::operator();

   : exprtk::igeneric_function<T>("S")

   inline T operator()(parameter_list_t parameters)
      const unsigned char c = string_t(parameters[0])[0];
      return Process(c);

template <typename T>
T is_digit_func(const unsigned char c)
   return (('0' <= c) && (c <= '9')) ? T(1) : T(0);

template <typename T>
T to_num_func(const unsigned char c)
   return static_cast<T>(c - '0');

template <typename T>
void rpn_example()
   typedef exprtk::symbol_table<T> symbol_table_t;
   typedef exprtk::expression<T>   expression_t;
   typedef exprtk::parser<T>       parser_t;

   const std::string rpn_program =
      " var stack[1000] := [0];                                                  "
      " var top_index   := 0;                                                    "
      "                                                                          "
      " for (var i := 0; i < rpn_expression[]; i += 1)                           "
      " {                                                                        "
      "    var c := rpn_expression[i : i + 1];                                   "
      "                                                                          "
      "    if (c == ' ')                                                         "
      "    {                                                                     "
      "       continue;                                                          "
      "    }                                                                     "
      "    else if (is_digit(c))                                                 "
      "    {                                                                     "
      "       stack[top_index] := to_num(c);                                     "
      "       top_index        += 1;                                             "
      "    }                                                                     "
      "    else                                                                  "
      "    {                                                                     "
      "       var operator := c;                                                 "
      "       var operand1 := stack[top_index - 2];                              "
      "       var operand2 := stack[top_index - 1];                              "
      "       top_index    -= 2;                                                 "
      "                                                                          "
      "       switch                                                             "
      "       {                                                                  "
      "          case operator == '+' : stack[top_index] := operand1 + operand2; "
      "          case operator == '-' : stack[top_index] := operand1 - operand2; "
      "          case operator == '*' : stack[top_index] := operand1 * operand2; "
      "          case operator == '/' : stack[top_index] := operand1 / operand2; "
      "          case operator == '^' : stack[top_index] := operand1 ^ operand2; "
      "       };                                                                 "
      "                                                                          "
      "       top_index += 1;                                                    "
      "    }                                                                     "
      " };                                                                       "
      "                                                                          "
      " println(stack[0], ' = ', rpn_expression);                                "
      "                                                                          ";

   std::string rpn_expression;

   char_process<T,is_digit_func<T>> isdigit;
   char_process<T,to_num_func<T>>   tonum;
   exprtk::rtl::io::println<T>      println;

   symbol_table_t symbol_table;
   symbol_table.add_stringvar("rpn_expression", rpn_expression);
   symbol_table.add_function ("println"       , println       );
   symbol_table.add_function ("is_digit"      , isdigit       );
   symbol_table.add_function ("to_num"        , tonum         );

   expression_t expression;

   parser_t parser;
   parser.compile(rpn_program, expression);

   const std::string rpn_expressions[] =
      "2 3 8 / ^ 4 6 * + 3 9 / -", // 2 ^ (3 / 8) + 4 * 6 - 3 / 9
      "1 2 / 6 5 2 - / * 7 +"    , // (1 / 2) * (6 / (5 - 2)) + 7
      "1 2 * 3 / 4 * 5 / 6 *"    , // ((((1 * 2) / 3) * 4) / 5) * 6
      "8 6 4 + * 2 /"              // (8 * (6 + 4)) / 2

   for (std::size_t i = 0; i < sizeof(rpn_expressions) / sizeof(std::string); ++i)
      rpn_expression = rpn_expressions[i];

Various Extended Examples

The proceeding examples demonstrate ExprTk's more advanced capabilities through practical yet simple to understand use cases:

Supplementary Materials


The chart below depicts the rate of expression evaluations per second for an assortment of expressions. Each expression is specialised upon the 'double' floating point type and comprised of two variables that are varied before each expression evaluation. The expressions are evaluated in two modes: ExprTk compiled and native optimised. The benchmark itself was compiled using GCC 7.2 with O3, LTO, PGO and native architecture target compiler settings, and executed upon an Intel Xeon E5-2687W 3GHz CPU, 64GB RAM, Ubuntu 17.10 with kernel 4.10 system. Source: exprtk_benchmark.cpp

  • (y + x)
  • (2 * y + 2 * x)
  • ((1.23 * x^2) / y) - 123.123
  • (y + x / y) * (x - y / x)
  • x / ((x + y) + (x - y)) / y
  • 1 - ((x * y) + (y / x)) - 3
  • 1.1x^1 + 2.2y^2 - 3.3x^3 + 4.4y^15 - 5.5x^23 + 6.6y^55
  • sin(2 * x) + cos(pi / y)
  • 1 - sin(2 * x) + cos(pi / y)
  • sqrt(111.111 - sin(2 * x) + cos(pi / y) / 333.333)
  • (x^2 / sin(2 * pi / y)) -x / 2
  • x + (cos(y - sin(2 / x * pi)) - sin(x - cos(2 * y / pi))) - y
  • clamp(-1.0, sin(2 * pi * x) + cos(y / 2 * pi), +1.0)
  • max(3.33, min(sqrt(1 - sin(2 * x) + cos(pi / y) / 3), 1.11))
  • if (avg(x,y) <= x + y, x - y, x * y) + 2 * pi / x

The C++ Mathematical Expression Library Benchmark Result - ExprTk - Copyright Arash Partow

Renaissance Technologies - Rentec https://www.rentec.com

TGS Management Company - TGS https://www.tgsmc.com

Black-Scholes-Merton Option Pricing Model Benchmark

The following is a benchmark based on Example 15. The BSM option pricing model is executed using native and ExprTk based implementations. There are two ExprTk implementations, vanilla and another where e(...) is replaced with the equivalent and much faster exp(...) function and also repeated sub-calculations are cached locally. The benchmark depicts the number of pricing calculations per second. The benchmark itself was compiled using GCC 7.2 with O3, LTO, PGO and native architecture target compiler settings, and executed upon an Intel Xeon E5-2687W 3GHz CPU, 64GB RAM, Ubuntu 17.10 with kernel 4.10 system. Source: exprtk_bsm_benchmark.cpp

The C++ Mathematical Expression Library Black Scholes Merton - ExprTk - Copyright Arash Partow

ExprTk Notes

The following is a list of facts and suggestions one may want to take into account when using ExprTk:

  • Note 00: Precision and performance of expression evaluations are the dominant principles of the ExprTk library.

  • Note 01: ExprTk uses a rudimentary imperative programming model with syntax based on languages such as Pascal and C. Furthermore ExprTk is an LL(2) type grammar and is processed using a recursive descent parsing algorithm.

  • Note 02: Supported types are float, double, long double and MPFR/GMP. Generally any user defined numerical type that supports all the basic floating point arithmetic operations: -, +, *, /, ^, % etc; unary and binary operations: sin, cos, min, max, equal etc and any other ExprTk dependent operations can be used to specialise the various components: expression, parser and symbol_table.

  • Note 03: Standard arithmetic operator precedence is applied (BEDMAS). In general C, Pascal or Rust equivalent unary, binary, logical and equality/inequality operator precedence rules apply. eg:
    a == b and c > d + 1 ---> (a == b) and (c > (d + 1))
    x - y <= z / 2 ---> (x - y) <= (z / 2)
    a - b / c * d^2^3 ---> a - ((b / c) * d^(2^3))

  • Note 04: Results of expressions that are deemed as being 'valid' are to exist within the set of Real numbers. All other results will be of the value: Not-A-Number (NaN). However this may not necessarily be a requirement for user defined numerical types, eg: complex number type.

  • Note 05: Supported user defined types are numeric and string variables, numeric vectors and functions.

  • Note 06: All reserved words, keywords, variable, vector, string and function names are case-insensitive.

  • Note 07: Variable, vector, string variable and function names must begin with a letter (A-Z or a-z), then can be comprised of any combination of letters, digits, underscores and dots, ending in either a letter (A-Z or a-z), digit or underscore. (eg: x, y2, var1, power_func99, person.age, item.size.0).
    The associated regex pattern is: [a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9_.]*[a-zA-Z0-9_]+

  • Note 08: Expression lengths and sub-expression lists are limited only by storage capacity.

  • Note 09: The life-time of objects registered with or created from a specific symbol-table must span at least the lifetime of the symbol table instance and all compiled expressions which utilise objects, such as variables, strings, vectors, function compositor functions and functions of that symbol-table, otherwise the result will be undefined behaviour.

  • Note 10: Equal and not_equal are normalised-epsilon equality routines, which use epsilons of 0.0000000001 and 0.000001 for double and float types respectively.

  • Note 11: All trigonometric functions assume radian input unless stated otherwise.

  • Note 12: Expressions may contain white-space characters such as space, tabs, new-lines, control-feed et al. ('\n', '\r', '\t', '\b', '\v', '\f')

  • Note 13: Strings may be comprised of any combination of letters, digits special characters including (~!@#$%^&*()[]|=+ ,./?<>;:"`~_) or hexadecimal escaped sequences (eg: \0x30) and must be enclosed with single-quotes.
    eg: 'Frankly my dear, \0x49 do n0t give a damn!'

  • Note 14: User defined normal functions can have up to 20 parameters, where as user defined generic-functions and vararg-functions can have an unlimited number of parameters.

  • Note 15: The inbuilt polynomial functions can be at most of degree 12.

  • Note 16: Where appropriate constant folding optimisations may be applied. (eg: The expression '2 + (3 - (x / y))' becomes '5 - (x / y)')

  • Note 17: If the strength reduction compilation option has been enabled, then where applicable strength reduction optimisations may be applied.

  • Note 18: String processing capabilities are available by default. To turn them off, the following needs to be defined at compile time: exprtk_disable_string_capabilities

  • Note 19: Composited functions can call themselves or any other functions that have been defined prior to their own definition.

  • Note 20: Recursive calls made from within composited functions will have a stack size bound by the stack of the executing architecture.

  • Note 21: User defined functions by default are assumed to have side effects. As such an "all constant parameter" invocation of such functions wont result in constant folding. If the function has no side-effects then that can be noted during the constructor of the ifunction allowing it to be constant folded where appropriate.

  • Note 22: The entity relationship between symbol_table and an expression is many-to-many. However the intended 'typical' use-case where possible, is to have a single symbol table manage the variable and function requirements of multiple expressions.

  • Note 23: The common use-case for an expression is to have it compiled only ONCE and then subsequently have it evaluated multiple times. An extremely inefficient and suboptimal approach would be to recompile an expression from its string form every time it requires evaluating.

  • Note 24: It is strongly recommended that the return value of method invocations from the parser and symbol_table types be taken into account. Specifically the 'compile' method of the parser and the 'add_xxx' set of methods of the symbol_table as they denote either the success or failure state of the invoked call. Continued processing from a failed state without having first rectified the underlying issue will in turn result in further failures and undefined behaviours.

  • Note 25: The following are examples of compliant floating point value representations:

    1. 12345
    2. -123.456
    3. +123.456e+12
    4. 123.456E-12
    5. +012.045e+07
    6. .1234
    7. 1234.
    8. -56789.
    9. 123.456f
    10. -321.654E+3L

  • Note 26: Expressions may contain any of the following comment styles:

    1. // .... \n
    2. # .... \n
    3. /* .... */

  • Note 27: The 'null' value type is a special non-zero type that incorporates specific semantics when undergoing operations with the standard numeric type. The following is a list of type and boolean results associated with the use of 'null':

    1. null +,-,*,/,% x --> x
    2. x +,-,*,/,% null --> x
    3. null +,-,*,/,% null --> null
    4. null == null --> true
    5. null == x --> true
    6. x == null --> true
    7. x != null --> false
    8. null != null --> false
    9. null != x --> false

  • Note 28: The following is a list of reserved words and symbols used by ExprTk. Attempting to add a variable or custom function to a symbol table using any of the reserved words will result in a failure.
    abs, acos, acosh, and, asin, asinh, assert, atan, atanh, atan2, avg, break, case, ceil, clamp, continue, const, cos, cosh, cot, csc, default, deg2grad, deg2rad, equal, erf, erfc, exp, expm1, false, floor, for, frac, grad2deg, hypot, iclamp, if, else, ilike, in, inrange, like, log, log10, log2, logn, log1p, mand, max, min, mod, mor, mul, ncdf, nand, nor, not, not_equal, null, or, pow, rad2deg, repeat, return, root, round, roundn, sec, sgn, shl, shr, sin, sinc, sinh, sqrt, sum, swap, switch, tan, tanh, true, trunc, until, var, while, xnor, xor

  • Note 29: Every valid ExprTk statement is a "value returning" expression. Unlike some languages that limit the types of expressions that can be performed in certain situations, in ExprTk any valid expression can be used in any "value consuming" context. eg:

    var y := 3;
    for (var x := switch
                   case 1  :  7;
                   case 2  : -1 + ~{var x{};};
                   default :  y > 2 ? 3 : 4;
        x != while (y > 0) { y -= 1; };
        x -= {
               if (min(x,y) < 2 * max(x,y))
                 x + 2;
                 x + y - 3;
      (x + y) / (x - y);

  • Note 30: It is recommended when prototyping expressions that the ExprTk REPL be utilised, as it supports all the features available in the library, including complete error analysis, benchmarking and dependency dumps etc which allows for rapid coding/prototyping and debug cycles without the hassle of having to recompile test programs with expressions that have been hard-coded. It is also a good source of truth for how the library's various features can be applied.

  • Note 31: For performance considerations, one should assume the actions of expression, symbol table and parser instance instantiation and destruction, and the expression compilation process itself to be of high latency. Hence none of them should be part of any performance critical code paths, and should instead occur entirely either before or after such code paths.

  • Note 32: Deep copying an expression instance for the purposes of persisting to disk or otherwise transmitting elsewhere with the intent to 'resurrect' the expression instance later on is not possible due to the reasons described in the final note of Section 10. The recommendation is to instead simply persist the string form of the expression and compile the expression at run-time on the target.

  • Note 33: The correctness and robustness of the ExprTk library is maintained by having a comprehensive suite of unit tests and functional tests all of which are run using sanitizers (ASAN, UBSAN, LSAN, MSAN, TSAN). Additionally, continuous fuzz-testing provided by Google OSS Fuzz, and static analysis via Synopsys Coverity.

  • Note 34: The library name ExprTk is pronounced "Ex-Pee-Ar-Tee-Kay" or simply "Mathematical Expression Toolkit". ExprTk Pronunciation

  • Note 35: Before jumping in and using ExprTk, do take the time to peruse the documentation and all of the examples, both in the main and the extras distributions. Having an informed general view of what can and can't be done, and how something should be done with ExprTk, will likely result in a far more productive and enjoyable programming experience.

ExprTk Users

The following is a brief listing of some of the users of the ExprTk library:

NASA - ExprTk Intel - ExprTk DSTO - ExprTk CERN Atlas - ExprTk
Google - ExprTk NVIDIA - ExprTk Facebook - ExprTk FINOS - ExprTk
Los Alamos NL - ExprTk TRIUMF - ExprTk ESS - ExprTk SKA - ExprTk
DESY - ExprTk IPP - ExprTk Idaho NL - ExprTk EPICS - ExprTk
Airbus - ExprTk Volvo - ExprTk Daimler - ExprTk GIRS - ExprTk
Lockheed Martin - ExprTk Boeing - ExprTk Apple - ExprTk SpaceX - ExprTk
Schaeffler - ExprTk Salesforce - ExprTk Siemens - ExprTk SDSC - ExprTk
Parrot - ExprTk Amadeus - ExprTk Schneider - ExprTk Coveo - ExprTk
Dr Schenk - ExprTk Sandia Labs - ExprTk F4E - ExprTk OpenTURNS - ExprTk
Tower Research - ExprTk Fannie Mae - ExprTk Battelle - ExprTk MIT ACL - ExprTk
OpenGeoSys - ExprTk Mayo Clinic - ExprTk General Electric - ExprTk DIMECC - ExprTk
Sony - ExprTk Adobe - ExprTk Point72 - ExprTk Renault Group - ExprTk
Cadence - ExprTk OpenAI - ExprTk Bloomberg - ExprTk Valve - ExprTk
ByteDance - ExprTk General Motors - ExprTk US DOD - ExprTk TUC Rail - ExprTk
CERN - ExprTk BMW - ExprTk UCAR - ExprTk MLP - ExprTk
Ubisoft - ExprTk Kitware - ExprTk Autodesk - ExprTk Tencent - ExprTk
Bioconductor - ExprTk Brookhaven Lab - ExprTk Citadel LLC - ExprTk RPM Global - ExprTk
LMMS - ExprTk Microsoft - ExprTk Samson - ExprTk Magic Music - ExprTk
Mesytec - ExprTk OpenBMC - ExprTk CSIRO - ExprTk Reuters - ExprTk
ZF Friedrichshafen - ExprTk Ricardo PLC - ExprTk FAIR - ExprTk OSSIA Score - ExprTk
Innovmetric - ExprTk ORNL - ExprTk HLRS - ExprTk Arteris - ExprTk
Options - ExprTk Oracle - ExprTk VCV Rack - ExprTk Xilinx - ExprTk
JP Morgan - ExprTk Mainspring - ExprTk Morgan Stanley - ExprTk Ellington - ExprTk
Alibaba Group - ExprTk Virtu - ExprTk Credit Suisse - ExprTk Meteomatics - ExprTk
Two Sigma - ExprTk DRW - ExprTk Pixar - ExprTk BNP Paribas - ExprTk
Nuvera - ExprTk 3M - ExprTk Tesla - ExprTk Cruise - ExprTk
National Instrument - ExprTk Aerospace Corp - ExprTk Blue Origin - ExprTk Mack Trucks - ExprTk
General Atomics - ExprTk Bosch - ExprTk Jump Trading - ExprTk AMD - ExprTk
QinetiQ - ExprTk Huawei - ExprTk LISA - ExprTk ESA - ExprTk
Phytium - ExprTk Mentor Graphcs - ExprTk NATO - ExprTk Raytheon - ExprTk
SNCB - ExprTk HRT - ExprTk ARM Holdings - ExprTk Framestore - ExprTk
ITER - ExprTk Thales - ExprTk NEC Labs - ExprTk Geely - ExprTk
Frepple - ExprTk Ford - ExprTk Samsung - ExprTk Schlumberger - ExprTk
RBC - ExprTk FermiLab - ExprTk IAEA - ExprTk Intuitive - ExprTk
Teza - ExprTk AIG - ExprTk UBS - ExprTk SocGen - ExprTk
TSMC - ExprTk AM - ExprTk KARI - ExprTk Güntner - ExprTk
Merrill Lynch - ExprTk Onto - ExprTk Keysight - ExprTk STMicroElec - ExprTk
GlobalFoundries - ExprTk Anduril - ExprTk Netflix - ExprTk MineSense - ExprTk
SEW - ExprTk Anthropic - ExprTk Seagate - ExprTk Mitsubishi - ExprTk
SteamDB - ExprTk CAE - ExprTk Spire - ExprTk JHAPL - ExprTk
Qorvo - ExprTk PTC - ExprTk IBM - ExprTk NIST - ExprTk
Palantir - ExprTk Photon Etc - ExprTk Boston Dynamics - ExprTk Qualcomm - ExprTk
Infineon - ExprTk ASML - ExprTk LSEG - ExprTk Marshall Wace - ExprTk
DJI - ExprTk PIMCO - ExprTk volkswagen - ExprTk QuantRes - ExprTk
NetEase Games - ExprTk Synopsys - ExprTk Mathworks - ExprTk Badger Systems - ExprTk
Ansys - ExprTk Moduleworks - ExprTk Golem Labs - ExprTk Plexim - ExprTk
CEA - ExprTk Warner Bros. - ExprTk Parsons Corp - ExprTk Chevron - ExprTk
Framatome - ExprTk SqrPoint Capital - ExprTk Northrop Grumman - ExprTk Phoenix Contact - ExprTk
Cenaero - ExprTk Navistar - ExprTk Newtwen - ExprTk Marvell - ExprTk
CharacterWorks - Revolut Alpega - ExprTk Aker Biomarine - ExprTk SEAVision - ExprTk
General Dynamics - ExprTk JLR - ExprTk Maxar - ExprTk RelativitySpace - ExprTk
AutoPol - ExprTk waLBerla - ExprTk Eagle Seven - ExprTk Cavalry - ExprTk
ESRI - ExprTk GlobalWafers - ExprTk GSA Capital - ExprTk Ghost Gunner - ExprTk
Kapp Niles - ExprTk Rohde-Schwarz - ExprTk Nomura - ExprTk Cebas - ExprTk
CACI - ExprTk USAFRL - ExprTk Optergy - ExprTk Neadvance - ExprTk
DLR - ExprTk Resolume - ExprTk IMC - ExprTk Vanguard - ExprTk
Getinge - ExprTk KLA - ExprTk NuVu - ExprTk Flow Traders - ExprTk
Habana Labs - ExprTk Balyasny AM - ExprTk TGS - ExprTk DV Trading - ExprTk
Intuitive Machine - ExprTk MITRE Corp - ExprTk ABN AMRO - ExprTk Firefly Space - ExprTk
Front Pictures - ExprTk CharacterWorks - ExprTk Natron - ExprTk Screenberry - ExprTk
MRPT - ExprTk MOOSE - ExprTk G+Smo - ExprTk Dianomic - ExprTk
Geomage - ExprTk GenISys GmbH - ExprTk Granoo - ExprTk
LMI - ExprTk Slic3r - ExprTk Karabiner - ExprTk

Support and Consulting Services

Arash Partow ExprTk Consulting Services

Consulting services for ExprTk are available, these include:

  • Project integration
  • Additional features and customisations
  • Custom language/DSL implementations
  • Performance enhancements
For more information or to raise an issue or bug report please reach out via the contact page.

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