This site contains material and intellectual property which is owned by
Arash Partow. Reproduction without the prior consent and permission of
these materials and/or intellectual property will result in a violation of
the copyright and intellectual property rights of Arash Partow.
Materials on this website that are governed by another licensing agreement
may supersede this notice, However under international copyright laws Arash
Partow may at his own discretion and any time withdraw the superseding
licenses on any of the items found on this page rendering them liable to
the terms and conditions of this agreement. For more information contact
Arash Partow
Image Copyright Information
The following dynamic logo and images are copyright
materials of Arash Partow, and may not be used in
any other context other than to publicize the
existance of the website and/or its
relation to Arash Partow.
Webpage Design
This is my 3rd attempt at writing a webpage. My first site or webpage was made in 1997
it contained heaps of unrelated animated GIFs and images and was really useless. A second
attempt was for a university assignment which still had heaps of non-standard html and used
java scripting and dhtml extensively. Maintaining the site was quiet difficult mainly because
I hadn't really thought its design through properly. Also the website didn't render well on
all the browsers I would have wanted, it just worked well under IE and netscape(still had
some rendering issues). From these two early experiences and from problems I faced in
software development, the lessons learnt regarding usage and conformance to internationally
accepted and ratified standards has been paramount in the development of this site.
This website was designed around the Sliqua
template by Phlash. Many thanks to Phlash for his simple yet useful design.
This site has been to the best of my knowledge successfully rendered using the latest Mozilla,
Chrome, Opera, Netscape and Internet Explorer web-browsers.
What Is The MIT License?
As you may have noticed, going through this site that various pieces
of work have been placed under the MIT License. Many of you will be
aware of the conditions and circumstances of the license but for those
of you who are not familiar with it and can't be bothered to
read the legalise jargon the following is a quick and in my opinion
valid interpretation. But please keep in mind IANAL.
The MIT License allows one to use the works governed by it in any scenario
without the need for royalties or other kinds of payments. This includes
but is not limited to commercial, academic and open or free environments.
The MIT License also allows the use of such works in said mentioned
environments without the need to attribute the original author, though it
would be appreciated if some form of credit were made. The MIT License
allows for full freedoms of use of the works governed by
it without the risk of being exposed to the viral nature of free
licensing schemes such the General Public License, hence meaning using
the MIT licensed work does not require one to release into the open under
a similar licensing scheme all other works that interact with or derive
from the MIT licensed works.
Miscellaneous about
Its always nice to hear people's comments about things on this site, good or bad, constructive or destructive
I'm always interested and eager to hear rational sane comments. If you would like to make a comment please
feel free to contact me.
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