Updated segment and circle intersection point routine
1st November 2005
Addition of 2D/3D Robust parallel routine
Addition of 3D closest point on line from point routine other various related routines.
Minor bug fixes and enhancements
1st August 2005
Addition of 2D/3D thick line segment intersection routine
Various minor bug fixes and enhancements
27th April 2005
Major FAQ updates
Numerous bug fixes and enhancements
Addition of Barycentric routines and demo
Addition of FastGEO Demonstration Suite - Not yet complete.
1st January 2005
Added FastGEO FAQ
31st December 2004
Added Point Of Reflection routine
25th December 2004
Optimizations to both PointInPolygon and PointInConvexPolygon routines
Various functional updates to the Convex Hull and Ordered Polygon demos
16th December 2004
Fixed a bug in the Convex Hull demo relating to an obscure set of points
Fixed a bug in the 2D segment intersect routine
1st November 2004
Added a minor optimization to the segment 2d intersection routine, currently the routine is 2x faster than the original routine, plus it takes into account a couple more obscure segment intersection scenarios.
Minor code clean-up, including const'ifying non-changing method parameter variables, also using out instead of var for pass-back variables. These and previous changes made to the source should now complete the transition of FastGEO to pure Object Pascal (ala Borland implementation)
30th September 2004
Added PerpendicularPntToRay method
Minor code clean-up
16th September 2004
Fixed a bug in PerpendicularPntToSegment
13th September 2004
Added user defined Epsilon based IsEqual and NotEqual routines.
Added Array of Vector2D and Vector3D types.
Added Add, Scale and Negate routines for array based vectors 2D/3D
Added some simple optimizations for IsPntCollinear 2D/3D - Now the Collinear operation is only executed once it is determined that the point being test resides within the bounds of the defined segment.
4th August 2004
Added Point-On-Circle routine - I don't know how I could have missed this one, noch noch noch....
9th June 2004
A minor bug fix in IsEqual(2D/3D Point) and NotEqual(2D/3D Point)
6th June 2004
Optimized Point-In-Quadix and Point-In-Triangle methods
A series of code restructuring and beautifying
3rd June 2004
A bug in RectangularHull was reported and has been fixed
A memory leak in the Convex Hull demo has been fixed
6th June 2004
Optimized Point-In-Quadix and Point-In-Triangle methods
A series of code restructuring and beautifying
3rd June 2004
A bug in RectangularHull was reported and has been fixed
A memory leak in the Convex Hull demo has been fixed
28th May 2004
A bug in Circumcenter was reported and has been fixed
28th March 2004
FastGEO has been accepted for future incorporation in the JEDI Math Project
22nd March 2004
Bug fixes for Area of 2D Polygon
Written some more regression tests
7th March 2004
Updated Convex-hull demo
Some minor bug fixes
6th March 2004
Updated Point-In-Polygon method
Added an extra routine from FastGEO 4.0 for Point-In-Convex Polygon
Completed 3D Segments Perpendicular routine
Some minor bug fixes
2nd March 2004
Created fastgeo.partow.net subdomain, it just makes it easier to get here